Spring is here! After a long and cold winter you can finally break ground (literally) on some of your spring projects. While the season is still in transition now is the perfect time to make some smaller changes to you home and garden. The perfect place to start is with a simple yet beautiful mailbox post or lantern post. We manufacture a variety of mailbox posts and lantern posts in a variety of materials. A mailbox post or lantern post is a great way to add some curb appeal to your home and create a classic elegance to your landscaping. One of the most fun parts of having a beautiful mail or lantern post is getting to add some seasonal touches to the area around it.
Around the post:
Spring is full of possibilities. Garden around your mail or lantern post with bright flowers and simple planters. A great way to start is to add mulch or potting soil to a circular area around the post. From there add some kind of edging like stone or brick. If you don't want an edging make sure the edge between dirt and grass is clearly defined. After creating the space add some simple spring plants that can add some color. Add a few small shrubs to create some lush greens and add a few bushels of colorful tulips, daffodils, or bunches of pansies. If you want a more rustic look go big with larger plants with smaller flowers and grasses.
Go tall:
If you like something more vertical plant a climbing plant like clematis or climbing roses! These plants will quickly climb and add a beautiful mix of colors and greens that will bring your post to life. If you take this route be sure to keep an eye on your post to make sure the plant is growing in the right direction and is well pruned. Read up on five of our favorite climbing plants to get some ideas!
Fun planters:
If you want to keep the ground area around your post simple add a few plants in pots and containers. A great way to celebrate spring is to utilize a small wooden barrel cut in half, filled with colorful flowers. Another fun idea is to fill an old watering can with soil and plant some tulips in it and place it next to the post. The post is already a focal point in your yard so make it fun and seasonal!