
How to Hang a Birdhouse in 6 Simple Steps

April 26, 2024

Two story bird house with 8 compartments. With a bell-shaped, pure copper roof and a white painted, long-lasting hardwood base. Roof and internal walls are removable for easy clean-out.

Hanging a birdhouse is a delightful way to attract birds to your yard, offering them shelter and a place to nest. Whether you're an avid bird watcher or simply enjoy the presence of these charming creatures, installing a birdhouse can add beauty and life to your outdoor space. This guide will walk you through the process, from choosing the right location to ensuring the safety and stability of the birdhouse.

Where to Hang a Birdhouse

There are several wonderful places to hang a birdhouse on your property. Here are four popular choices: 

  • On a Tree
    One of the most traditional spots for a birdhouse is on a tree. Choose a sturdy branch that can support the weight of the birdhouse plus its future inhabitants. The tree should offer some shade to protect the birds from excessive sun and heat, but it shouldn’t be so shaded that it becomes hidden or overly damp.

  • On a Standalone Pole
    Installing a birdhouse on a standalone pole can provide more control over its location and height. This option is excellent for keeping the birdhouse away from predators and can be placed in optimal viewing areas in your garden. Ensure the pole is securely anchored into the ground to withstand wind and weather conditions.

  • Under the Eaves of Your House
    Hanging a birdhouse under the eaves can provide excellent shelter from the elements. This location can be particularly advantageous because it often reduces the risk of predators reaching the nest. Make sure there's enough clearance for birds to enter and exit the birdhouse freely.

  • Against a Wall or Fence
    Attaching a birdhouse to a wall or fence is another viable option, especially in smaller yards or urban areas. Choose a spot that avoids direct sunlight and harsh weather, and make sure that the entrance is accessible to birds yet difficult for predators to reach

6 Steps to Safely Hanging a Birdhouse

Step 1: Choose the Right Birdhouse
Not all birdhouses are suitable for every type of bird. Select a birdhouse that fits the specific species you hope to attract. Consider the hole size, the interior space, and the overall design, which should provide safety and comfort for the bird family.

Step 2: Pick the Perfect Location
Using the options listed above, decide on a location that meets the needs of safety, visibility, and beauty. The location should also consider the habits and preferences of the birds you aim to attract. Avoid high-traffic areas where human activity might disturb the birds.

Step 3: Ensure Proper Height
The height at which you hang your birdhouse can be crucial. Generally, birdhouses should be placed at least five feet off the ground to keep them out of reach of many ground predators. However, some species may prefer higher or lower placements.

Step 4: Secure the Birdhouse
Whether you're attaching it to a tree, pole, or building, make sure the birdhouse is securely mounted. If using screws or nails, confirm that they are sturdy and rust-resistant. For tree installations, consider a mounting system that minimizes damage to the tree, such as straps or a no-nail bracket.

Step 5: Provide a Clear Flight Path
Ensure there are no obstructions in front of the birdhouse entrance. There should be a clear flight path for easy access. Trim any branches or foliage that might block the entryway or that could provide a perch for predators.

Step 6: Maintain the Birdhouse
Regular maintenance is key to a successful birdhouse. Check periodically for signs of wear or damage and clean out the birdhouse between nesting seasons to prevent the buildup of parasites and bacteria. This will keep the birdhouse safe and inviting for new tenants each year.

Other Tips for Birdhouse Placement

When selecting a location for your birdhouse, also consider the local climate and weather patterns. Avoid placing the birdhouse where strong winds, heavy rains, or excessive heat from sunlight can directly impact it. Positioning the birdhouse with its entrance facing away from prevailing winds can protect the inhabitants from harsh weather. Also, ensure that the area surrounding the birdhouse is free from pesticides and other chemicals, which could harm the birds or their food sources.

By following these six simple steps and extra tips, you can successfully hang a birdhouse that’ll be a safe, comfortable home for birds for many seasons to come. Whether you're a seasoned birder or a novice looking to start a new hobby, following these steps will help you enjoy the pleasures of bird-watching right in your own backyard!

Where to Buy a Birdhouse

From pergolas to furniture to fences and more, Walpole Outdoors offers a wide range of high-quality, innovative products, services, and designs to heighten your home’s outdoor aesthetic. Our birdhouses and feeders can add the perfect accent to your beautiful decor. 

If you’d like assistance implementing one of our premiere birdhouses in your outdoor space, we can help. Contact us today for a complimentary design consultation!